
Showing posts from December, 2021

Depictions of Women and Minorities

      As a woman who wakes up every day, goes to class, drives my car, and gets to live alone, I couldn't imagine a world where I wasn't empowered. Sometimes I feel as if I am being watched, or being loved over for just being a woman, when in reality as a woman in America I have endless  opportunity. For many women, all around the world, this is not the case.

Wild Card

Digital Acess

     Each year the latest and greatest iPhone hits our TV screens and shortly after hits our hands. We live in a society where we have access to affordable and accessible technology for virtually anyone. Free wifi in coffee shops, charging stations in libraries, and the ability to call your friends at ease. As we are born into this society it is easy to forget that other countries have a completely different world of digital access. Most recently, the global pandemic has brought to light the great digital divide our country faces. With a global shutdown, forcing people in quarantine, billions had to rely on the internet for work and to stay in touch, but with almost half of the world lacking internet access, millions suffered.     The 2020 pandemic was one for the  history books. On January 9th of 2020, a mysterious pneumonia was reported in Wuhan, China. As cases increased and spread to surrounding countries, Airports began to scan for symptoms. On January...